Account-Based Marketing vs Lead Generation: Which are the better Results?

Account-based marketing and lead generation can both be helpful for your company. However, you can go for account-based marketing if at least one high involvement of your company. It is also considered one of the premium marketing for which you will have to target an audience that has been in touch with your company for a long time. However, lead generation is suitable for all types of companies it also works for lower-priced offerings which can be brought out in the broad market.

Account-Based Marketing vs Lead Generation: Which are the better Results?

Account-based marketing and lead generation can both be better for your company. However, you have to select one of the best suits for your organization. It is important to know about both of the strategies to know which one to select according to your business type. Let’s look at some of the differences between account-based marketing and lead generation.

Requirements for the Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing can be beneficial for your company. However, you need to know some of the account-based marketing requirements.

  • Real support and accountability

You will need real support and accountability when it comes to account-based marketing. You will need support from different platforms such as C-Suite. It is also important to make good terms with Marketing operations, especially sales options.

  • KPIs

If you prefer account-based marketing, you should go for transparent KPIs. They should also be shared, and you should know how to make it work in your favor.

  • Methods and tools

You need to go for such methods and tools according to your program’s specificity. It must be appropriate to the scale of your program because it is the only way it will be applicable. You need to consider the account selection and targeting of the audience.

Requirements of the Lead Generation Marketing

You also have to understand the requirement of lead generation marketing which is often considered easier than account-based marketing.

  • Support

Lead generation marketing will also require the same support and transparent KPIs. However, the difference is that you do not need to have the level of orchestration just like the ABM program. This makes it easy for companies that are not established yet.

  • Customers

You will need to keep track of your customer-by-customer journey mapping. This will help you in understanding your customers so that you can target them according to their requirements. You need to provide the customers with strong offers and appealing deals if you are going for lead generation. It can sound easy; however, you also have to put effort into making the content.


Account-based marketing and lead generation can both be helpful, but you need to understand the requirement of both of the options. Some of the requirements are discussed for both of them so that you can understand them well. You need to check both of them and decide after a proper comparison.

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